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Νίκος Μύρτου
It is free to enter and submissions will open at www.nikonfilmfestival.com from 13 October 2015 to 15 January 2016.
Prizes are offered in five categories, including one especially created for students: Grand Prix, Best Narrative, Technical Excellence, Best Student Entry, and People’s Choice. Early entry is advised for the best chance in the public vote for the People’s Choice award.
The Grand Prix offers exceptional opportunities to new filmmakers: a Nikon D810 film kit, plus a one-week networking trip to the Cannes Film Festival 2015 with Raindance Film Festival. The prize for Best Student Entry is a Nikon D750 film kit and EUR 2,000 prize money.
Filmmakers entering this year’s competition are challenged to take a different perspective on ‘Everyday Moments’, with a maximum film duration of 140 seconds. Films should be shot in HD and in English or with English subtitles.
You can see the all the competition entry rules and the full list of eligible countries at http://bit.ly/NikonFFRules. Updates on the festival can also be found at www.facebook.com/NikonLifeEU and www.twitter.com/NikonLifeEU or by searching #NikonFF.